Discover some fun and affordable STEM toys for the children in your life this Black Friday and Cyber Monday! We’ve got a lot of selection of many top brands like Elenco’s and Thames & Kosmos Science Kits, but today we’re featuring some fun and innovative STEM toys from OWI. With these fun toys, you and your children can learn about robots as well as solar power and salt water fuel cells and see how they can power the movement of various toys.
Looking at solar powered toys, you’ll find that there are quite a few choices from toys for younger kids all the way up to stuff for older kids and teenagers. Besides having fun, kids will learn about solar energy, and you’ll save tons of money on batteries. The first toy is perfect for small children, the OWI-MSK691 Penguin Life takes just minutes to snap together and it’s very basic in its function. Just plug it in to the igloo, put it in the sun for about 3 minutes, then take it off and watch it go! Maybe get a couple and have some penguin races. Another basic set, but for kids that are a bit bigger, the OWI-MSK679 Solar System Kit is a rough approximation of our solar system and appropriately, it’s solar powered and demonstrates the orbital movement of the planets. This kit also contains acrylic paint and a brush making this a STEAM toy with an art component. There are three different multi-form solar toy kits that allow kids to build various models with one toy. The OWI-MSK610 is a 6-in-1 kit featuring a boat and a buggy, the OWI-MSK640 is a 7-in-1 featuring seven different types of cars and the OWI-MSK615 is a 14-in-1 solar robot with car, robot and floating options as alternate forms. The OWI-MSK615 was huge seller last Christmas and we actually ran out of them last year, so get one now while they’re available.
Moving on to something a little more innovative in terms of fuel, the OWI-750 Salt Water Fuel Cell Car uses magnesium fuel cells (refills OWI-SP750) which react with the chlorine in the sodium chloride (table salt). The magnesium is an alkaline metal which loses two electrons when it undergoes a chemical reaction, and these electrons of course create the electricity to move the car. You can read all about that here.
For something completely different, there’s the OWI-536 All Terrain 3-in-1 Robot which is battery powered and operates by remote control. The three modes you can choose from are the rover which is pretty straight forward, the gripper and the forklift. The Gripper uses to of the treads like arms to grip an object and the forklift acts as a miniature version of a forklift. You can watch all of the forms in action in this video.
All of these kits will keep any child or teen entertained and most important learning with STEM and STEAM. They’ll learn about solar power, some lite chemistry and with all the sets, they’ll fine-tune motor and building skills. Have you and your kids played with any of these? We’d love to hear from you, so be sure to leave us product reviews for your favorites and tell us about your favorite on Facebook or Instagram!