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The EIO Blog

  • What Else Can I do With Elenco Snap Circuits?
    August 14, 2018

    What Else Can I do With Elenco Snap Circuits?

    You’ve mastered the Elenco Snap Circuits 300 and the SC-500. The SC-750 is no longer challenging enough. You’ve done light shows with the SCL-175 and you’ve built the SCROV-50 with the launcher and aren’t sure what else to do. With...

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  • Where Can I Buy Cheap Tools?
    August 13, 2018

    Where Can I Buy Cheap Tools?

    Everyone wants the best possible tool for the lowest possible price. With tools, this can be a double edged sword, you can buy cheap tools, but they just won’t last. Yeah, you might get the job done, but your tool...

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  • A Brief Look at Hosa Cables
    August 10, 2018

    A Brief Look at Hosa Cables

    California-based cable manufacturer, Hosa Technology has become one of the more recognized brands for professional musicians. They make pretty much everything musicians need to get the right audio setup for a show, and then some. Although they make a lot...

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  • Exploring Microscopes and Optical Science
    August 2, 2018

    Exploring Microscopes and Optical Science

    How do lenses and cameras work? Why is there color? What do things look like up close? What is an Ames Room? What’s inside a drop of water? These are all questions that kids probably have, and many of us...

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  • Wera Wednesday – Wera Rapidaptor and More
    August 1, 2018

    Wera Wednesday – Wera Rapidaptor and More

    One of the coolest and most innovative things that Wera has made, and there have been a lot, is the Rapidaptor. The Rapidaptor is a handy little add on that Wera designed to basically help add some stability when screwing...

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  • Wera Wednesday – Vario Handle
    July 25, 2018

    Wera Wednesday – Vario Handle

    Wera has been one of the most innovative tool companies in that they find interesting ways to innovate tools that have gone largely unchanged for decades. One of their biggest innovations, and one that they’ve applied to a large portion...

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